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For more information on workshops and tutorials, contact Eld Zierau:

Monday, November 2

9:00-5:00 – Testing the Proposed METS 2.0 Data Model [Workshop]

Bertrand Caron (Department of Bibliographic and Digital Information, Bibliothèque nationale de France), Andreas Nef (Docuteam GmbH), Thomas G. Habing (Library Software Development Group, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich (Knowledge Motifs LLC, San Mateo, CA , USA)

In this workshop, participants will first develop an understanding of the data models underlying some canonical uses of the existing METS schema as a contextual basis for the description of a next generation METS (2.0) data model. Following the description of the METS 2.0 data model, a number of use cases applying the proposed data model will be discussed to address questions such as how the METS 2.0 data model fits existing implementations, what issues arise from that application, and whether there are more opportunities than challenges to the evolution of the data model as currently proposed. Finally, to put the proposed METS data model into a broader context, complementary data models currently being developed will be discussed such as SEDA (Data Exchange Standard for Archiving) or the Portland Common Data Model. Participants will be invited to participate in the discussions, and the evaluation / refinement of a METS 2.0 data model.

See this event’s site for further information.

9:00-3:00 – Fedora 4 Tutorial [Tutorial]

Andrew Woods (Fedora4 technical lead)

This tutorial will provide an introduction to and overview of Fedora 4, with a focus on the latest features. Fedora 4 implements the W3C Linked Data Platform recommendation, so a section of the tutorial will be dedicated to a discussion about LDP and the implications for Fedora 4 and linked data. Fedora 4 is also designed to be integrated with other applications, so a section of the tutorial will review common applications and integration patterns. Finally, attendees will participate in a hands-on session that will give them a chance to install, configure, and explore Fedora 4 by following step-by-step instructions.

9:00-5:00 – Roles & Responsibilities for Sustaining Open Source Platforms & Tools [Workshop]

Trevor Owens (Senior Program Officer, Institute of Museum and Library Services)

This workshop invites stakeholders representing organizations that play different roles in the open source software ecosystem to share their respective perspectives on roles in this ecosystem. Through discussion, participants will work through issues as they relate to different kinds of open source software systems. These include: 1) descriptions of roles that should be in play as open source software projects move from research/startup phases toward implementation, dissemination, and ultimately maintainer and ongoing feature development; 2) the role of project-based funding; 3) the tradeoffs around different open source software sustainability models; and 4) the role that education, training and ongoing professional development plays in ensuring the use and maintenance of these tools and platforms.

9:00-5:00 – From Theory to Practice: Using ISO16363 [Tutorial]

Helen R. Tibbo (UNC – Chapel Hill), Nancy Y. McGovern (MIT Libraries), Barbara Sierman (National Library in the Netherlands), Ingrid Dillo (DANS: Data Archiving & Networked Services), & Courtney Mumma (Artefactual Systems, Inc.)

The ISO16363 Standard is a formal framework for determining whether an organization is a Trustworthy Digital Repository. Published in 2012, the standard considers not only the technical infrastructure used for digital object management but also organizational infrastructure, and security risk management. Recognizing that this can go beyond the experience of many new users. This tutorial will focus on an array of options and programs for audit and potential certification of trustworthy digital repositories. These will include self-audit, the European three-level model of certification, the Data Seal of Approval, peer-audit, ISO 16363 audit, and forthcoming certification of trustworthy repositories.

Friday, November 6

Note 1: Times are subject to revision.

Note 2: All Friday workshops and tutorials will be held on the campus of the University of North Carolina and not at the Friday Center.

9:00-5:00 – Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements [Workshop]

Courtney Mumma (Internet Archive), Bradley Westbrook (Lyrasis), Michael Shallcross (University of Michigan), Sam Meister (Educopia), Christine Di Bella (Lyrasis), Max Eckard, (University of Michigan), Christopher (Cal) Lee (University of North Carolina)

Hashtag: #oss4pres

This workshop offers a space to talk about open-source software for digital preservation, and the particular challenges of developing systems and integrating them into local environments and workflows. Topics will include current efforts and grant-funded initiatives to integrate different open source archival software tools; the development of workflows involving multiple open source tools for digital preservation, forensics, discovery and access; and the identification of gaps which may need filled by these or other tools.

Please see this event’s site for further information.

9:00-5:00 – Curating Research Assets and Data Using Lifecycle Education [Tutorial]

Helen Tibbo (UNC – Chapel Hill), Thu-Mai Christian (UNC – Chapel Hill)

As major funding agencies, publishers, and research institutions continue to issue data sharing, management, and archiving policies in increasing numbers, libraries are being called upon to support researchers in their efforts to comply with these policies. To be responsive to researchers’ data needs and to increase the likelihood of effective and efficient data preservation, many data librarians and archivists are seeking the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to confront the growing—and increasingly complex—data management and preservation needs of their institutions. With lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises, this tutorial will explore the obligations of researchers to manage their data, identify the attributes of data that add to the complexity of data curation tasks, and introduce a range of tools and resources available to help librarians effectively implement data curation, and particularly, preservation services.

9:00-12:00 (half-day) – PREMIS Implementation Fair [Workshop]

Note: This event has reached capacity, so registration is closed.

Evelyn McLellan (Artefactual Systems), Karin Bredenberg (National Archives of Sweden), Rebecca Guenther (Consultant and Library of Congress)

This workshop provides PREMIS implementers with an overview of the changes in the PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, version 3.0. As an international standard for metadata to support the digital preservation process, PREMIS has been implemented world-wide and is incorporated in many commercial and open-source digital preservation tools and systems. With the release of version 3.0 in June 2015, implementers have enhanced ability to describe their digital assets, including a new way of describing complex software and hardware environments that are so important to their preservation and future use. There will also be a report on the integration of preservation systems and tools that provide different functions in management and preservation. Implementers are encouraged to report on their experiences using PREMIS, particularly issues encountered, and there will be ample time for discussion.

See this event’s site for further information.

1:00-5:00 (half-day) – Data Mining Web Archives [Workshop]

Jefferson Bailey (Internet Archive)

This workshop will explore new methods of research use of web archives by giving attendees exposure to, and training in, the tools, methods, and types of analysis possible in working with datasets extracted from the entirety of curated web archive collections. Giving researchers datasets of specific extracted metadata elements, link graph data, named entities, and other post-processed data can help facilitate new uses and new types of visualization, inquiry, and analysis.

9:00 – 5:00 – Benchmarking Forum [Workshop]

Kresimir Duretec (Technical University of Vienna), Artur Kulmukhametov (Technical University of Vienna), Christoph Becker (University of Toronto , Technical University of Vienna), Andreas Rauber (Technical University of Vienna)

The quality of digital preservation tools is of great importance to the preservation community. However, quality assessment is often done in an isolated way with a lack of systematic and community driven initiatives. Benchmarking is a method of comparing entities to a well-defined standard (benchmark) that has shown itself as a valuable empirical method for evaluating software tools. The successfulness of benchmarking is dependent on the readiness of the community to accept and drive the whole process. This workshop is focused on discussing software benchmarking practices in digital preservation and how these can contribute to improving digital preservation tools.

See this event’s site for further information.